Are we entering a dangerous new phase of climate change?

4 hours ago 1

Leader and Environment

A series of events, from the California wildfires to evidence we passed 1.5 degrees last year, suggests wild weather will become even more common

 SOS. Am 24. September 2021 versammelten sich in Munchen 29.000 Menschen beim Globalen Klimastreik vor der Bundestagswahl, um ein deutliches Zeichen fur Klimaschutz & Umweltschutz, die Einhaltung des Pariser Abkommens und das 1,5 Grad Ziel und um Druck auf die Wahler*innen sowie die Parteien auszuuben. * On September 24, 2021 29,000 people joined the global climate strike two days before the German Parliamentary Elections in Munich, Germany. They protested to show a clear message for climate and environmental protection, for the Paris Agreement & the 1.5 degree goal, and to make pre

Alexander Pohl/Sipa USA/Alamy

If ever there were a wake-up call, this is it. The fire alarm is ringing – hell, the fire alarm is on fire. The latest data confirms that 2024 was the first year in which the average global temperature was 1.5°C higher than pre-industrial levels, breaking a totemic limit set by the Paris Agreement (see “2024 confirmed as first year to breach 1.5°C warming limit”).

That this was completely expected makes it no less shocking. In January 2023, we reported that early modelling already suggested 2024 would be the first year to pass this threshold. What is unexpected,…

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