What is meowing so loudly there? And at this hour? Oh, it's a bunch of foodie feline memes standing in the middle of the kitchen, creating a ruckus, a cat cacophony. They stand right beneath the cat candy drawer. Gee, we wonder what they're after… Oh no, look, there are so many more foodie feline memes on the way, and they're going to join in the meowing and screaming ceremony the rest of them had already started. We'll have non-stop meowing in the kitchen if we don't act fast. Do we have enough cat treats? You know what, it doesn't even matter - quickly, before they scratch the entire kitchen!
Foodie feline memes are not a force to underestimate. When a cat is hungry they can become annoying, but pair that with a meme, and you have a bunch of humorous foodie feline memes demanding cat treats right meow. Would you give them some? Would you give them all? Will you let them nom your entire kitchen?